Cottonwood Borer Treatment

cottonwood borer

Cottonwood Borers

Cottonwood borers are yet another species of insect that can cause great damage to your trees, especially if they are allowed time to really infest it. If you’ve noticed holes along with your trees, as well as sawdust-like material along the base of your trees, then you might have cottonwood borers attacking your tree. These insects can attack a lot of different kinds of trees, though they’re most often found in cottonwoods, willow, and poplars. Worried about your trees and thinking that you might have some cottonwood borers in your yard? We can help!

Our team is highly trained to take care of these types of situations. We understand how to eliminate all types of insects that can cause harm to your trees, from cottonwood borers to bagworms to lace bugs. Regardless of what you need to have done, we can help. We’ll quickly survey your situation and get to work eliminating cottonwood borers from your trees and property. To learn more about our cottonwood borer treatment services in Dallas, TX, talk with Tufts Tree Service at (469) 528-0494 today!

Our Cottonwood Borer Treatments

Cottonwood borers, for the most part, are very attracted to already diseased trees. Therefore, it’s very rare that these insects will immediately go for 100% healthy trees. Instead, they attack already weakened ones and immediately can begin to cause even greater damage. It’s always important to deal with these insects when you realize that they’re in your trees. As cottonwood borers can greatly damage trees and end up killing them, it’s best to get this problem sorted and these insects out of your trees before you can no longer save the trees. The ultimate goal is always to save your trees, at the end of the day!

Talk With Us Today

Do you want to learn more about our cottonwood borer treatments in Dallas, TX, as well as all of our other tree-related services? We’re dedicated to helping to keep your front and back yard free of harmful insects. We want your yard to be as beautiful and healthy as possible! Talk with Tufts Tree Service at (469) 528-0494 today to learn how we can help you!